Teacher Burnout Addressed in 研究 Project Investigating Yoga as an Intervention 策略
Over the last decade, a growing number of public schoolteachers have experienced burnout, 他们中的许多人已经离开了这个领域. 莱斯利·海伦,一位拥有20多个孩子的教育家 years of experience as a K-12 teacher and administrator, is concerned about veteran 教师的幸福. Her research focuses on using yoga to promote wellness in educators.
研究 in Cognition and Metacognition Aims to Improve Mathematical Communication
莎拉的火花' fascination with mental processing has led her to research math students' metacognition during proof writing — a vital mathematical process to convince others that their 演绎论点是准确的. Sparks is in her final year of studies in the Educational 数学(现在 数学教育) Ph.D. 北科罗拉多大学的项目.
Measuring School Performance: Looking Beyond Standardized Testing and Scores
A 北科罗拉多大学 study is reexamining Elliot Eisner's framework for 学校改进. The late Stanford professor, who worked in school curriculum and qualitative research, advocated viewing education as an ecosystem of mutual dependence. Sarah Campbell, a student in UNC's 教育研究.D. 项目正在进行中 the study with Professor Christy McConnell in the College of Education and Behavioral 科学教师教育学院.
Industry-Funded 研究 Found CBD Beverage Neither Helped nor Hurt Healthy Adults
Ryland Townsend, a student in the 北科罗拉多大学's Sport and Exercise 科学的Ph值. D. -运动生理学, was a student project lead on CBD-related研究. 海洋喷雾蔓越莓公司. 授予皇冠app官方版下载25万美元赠款 支持这项研究. The placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial investigated whether different doses of a CBD beverage would affect physical or mental health.
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